If you are looking for disaster relief, you can see our agency breakdown below. We’ve condensed the list to include anything related to disasters for individuals and businesses.

Ways to Connect

  1. IRS – Federal income, corporate, excise, and payroll taxes
  2. FTB – California’s top taxation agency, the California Franchise Tax Board has extended the deadline to file California tax returns and to pay any tax payments for individuals and businesses anywhere in Los Angeles County to October 15, 2025.
  3. LA County Assessor
    – The Los Angeles County Assessor’s Office has announced property tax relief for those in Los Angeles County whose property has been damaged or destroyed due to the ongoing wildfires.
    – If your property has been damaged or destroyed or its value has decreased in any way before January 1, you may file an application for a Decline-in-Value-Review.
    – The filing period is from July 2 through November 30.
    – If your property was subject to Prop 13 provisions, those will remain in effect post-disaster.
  1. SBA – Disaster relief for businesses.https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance/california-wildfiresIncluding: Home Disaster Loans (https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance/physical-damage-loans#id-home-and-personal-property-loans)
    Physical Damage Loans
    https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance/physical-damage-loans#id-business-physical-disasterEconomic Injury Disaster Loans: https://www.sba.gov/funding-programs/disaster-assistance/economic-injury-disaster-loans
  1. FEMA
    – Disaster Relief – assistance filing for relief, finding other resources such as shelters, Red Cross, and field processing centers of FEMA claims: https://www.disasterassistance.gov/To find the closest disaster relief processing center, see: https://egateway.fema.gov/ESF6/DRCLocator
  1. HUD – Housing Relief – Including:
    • 90-day moratorium on mortgage foreclosures
    • Providing insurance to disaster victims and a 90-day extension granted automatically for home equity conversion mortgages.
  1. FinCEN – FBAR Extension of deadlines for taxpayers with foreign accounts. https://www.fincen.gov/news/news-releases/fincen-provides-fbar-relief-victims-recent-natural-disasters
  1. CDTFA – Extensions to file for excise and sales tax, special tax categories. https://www.cdtfa.ca.gov/services/state-of-emergency-tax-relief.htm#counties
  1. EDD– How to process an unemployment claim during ongoing disasters: https://edd.ca.gov/en/unemployment/Disaster_Unemployment_Assistance/
  1. Los Angeles City – Wildfire Recovery Resources – Emergency Management Dept https://emergency.lacity.gov/recovery